Type Aliases
Ƭ Achievement: z.infer
<typeof AchievementValidator
Defined in
Ƭ AchievementCredential: z.infer
<typeof AchievementCredentialValidator
Defined in
Ƭ AchievementCriteria: z.infer
<typeof AchievementCriteriaValidator
Defined in
Ƭ AchievementSubject: z.infer
<typeof AchievementSubjectValidator
Defined in
Ƭ AchievementType: z.infer
<typeof AchievementTypeValidator
Defined in
Ƭ Address: z.infer
<typeof AddressValidator
Defined in
Ƭ Alignment: z.infer
<typeof AlignmentValidator
Defined in
Ƭ AlignmentTargetType: z.infer
<typeof AlignmentTargetTypeValidator
Defined in
Ƭ Boost: z.infer
<typeof BoostValidator
Defined in
Ƭ BoostRecipientInfo: z.infer
<typeof BoostRecipientValidator
Defined in
Ƭ Context: z.infer
<typeof ContextValidator
Defined in
Ƭ CredentialInfo: z.infer
<typeof CredentialInfoValidator
Defined in
Ƭ CredentialRecord<Metadata
>: { [key: string]
: any
; id
: string
; uri
: string
} & Metadata
Type parameters
Name | Type |
Metadata | extends Record <string , any > = Record <never , never > |
Defined in
Ƭ CredentialSchema: z.infer
<typeof CredentialSchemaValidator
Defined in
Ƭ CredentialStatus: z.infer
<typeof CredentialStatusValidator
Defined in
Ƭ CredentialSubject: z.infer
<typeof CredentialSubjectValidator
Defined in
Ƭ Criteria: z.infer
<typeof CriteriaValidator
Defined in
Ƭ EncryptedCredentialRecord: z.infer
<typeof EncryptedCredentialRecordValidator
Defined in
Ƭ EndorsementCredential: z.infer
<typeof EndorsementCredentialValidator
Defined in
Ƭ EndorsementSubject: z.infer
<typeof EndorsementSubjectValidator
Defined in
Ƭ Evidence: z.infer
<typeof EvidenceValidator
Defined in
Ƭ GeoCoordinates: z.infer
<typeof GeoCoordinatesValidator
Defined in
Ƭ IdentifierEntry: z.infer
<typeof IdentifierEntryValidator
Defined in
Ƭ IdentifierType: z.infer
<typeof IdentifierTypeValidator
Defined in
Ƭ IdentityObject: z.infer
<typeof IdentityObjectValidator
Defined in
Ƭ Image: z.infer
<typeof ImageValidator
Defined in
Ƭ InitInput: RequestInfo
| Response
| BufferSource
| WebAssembly.Module
Defined in
Ƭ JWE: z.infer
<typeof JWEValidator
Defined in
Ƭ JWERecipient: z.infer
<typeof JWERecipientValidator
Defined in
Ƭ JWERecipientHeader: z.infer
<typeof JWERecipientHeaderValidator
Defined in
Ƭ JWK: z.infer
<typeof JWKValidator
Defined in
Ƭ KnownAchievementType: z.infer
<typeof KnownAchievementTypeValidator
Defined in
Ƭ LCNBoostClaimLinkOptionsType: z.infer
<typeof LCNBoostClaimLinkOptionsValidator
Defined in
Ƭ LCNBoostClaimLinkSigningAuthorityType: z.infer
<typeof LCNBoostClaimLinkSigningAuthorityValidator
Defined in
Ƭ LCNBoostStatusEnum: z.infer
<typeof LCNBoostStatus
Defined in
Ƭ LCNNotification: z.infer
<typeof LCNNotificationValidator
Defined in
Ƭ LCNNotificationData: z.infer
<typeof LCNNotificationDataValidator
Defined in
Ƭ LCNNotificationMessage: z.infer
<typeof LCNNotificationMessageValidator
Defined in
Ƭ LCNNotificationTypeEnum: z.infer
<typeof LCNNotificationTypeEnumValidator
Defined in
Ƭ LCNProfile: z.infer
<typeof LCNProfileValidator
Defined in
Ƭ LCNProfileConnectionStatusEnum: z.infer
<typeof LCNProfileConnectionStatusEnum
Defined in
Ƭ LCNSigningAuthorityForUserType: z.infer
<typeof LCNSigningAuthorityForUserValidator
Defined in
Ƭ LCNSigningAuthorityType: z.infer
<typeof LCNSigningAuthorityValidator
Defined in
Ƭ PaginatedEncryptedCredentialRecordsType: z.infer
<typeof PaginatedEncryptedCredentialRecordsValidator
Defined in
Ƭ PaginationOptionsType: z.infer
<typeof PaginationOptionsValidator
Defined in
Ƭ PaginationResponseType: z.infer
<typeof PaginationResponseValidator
Defined in
Ƭ Profile: z.infer
<typeof ProfileValidator
Defined in
Ƭ Proof: z.infer
<typeof ProofValidator
Defined in
Ƭ RefreshService: z.infer
<typeof RefreshServiceValidator
Defined in
Ƭ Related: z.infer
<typeof RelatedValidator
Defined in
Ƭ Result: z.infer
<typeof ResultValidator
Defined in
Ƭ ResultDescription: z.infer
<typeof ResultDescriptionValidator
Defined in
Ƭ ResultStatusType: z.infer
<typeof ResultStatusTypeValidator
Defined in
Ƭ ResultType: z.infer
<typeof ResultTypeValidator
Defined in
Ƭ RubricCriterion: z.infer
<typeof RubricCriterionValidator
Defined in
Ƭ SentCredentialInfo: z.infer
<typeof SentCredentialInfoValidator
Defined in
Ƭ UnsignedAchievementCredential: z.infer
<typeof UnsignedAchievementCredentialValidator
Defined in
Ƭ UnsignedVC: z.infer
<typeof UnsignedVCValidator
Defined in
Ƭ UnsignedVP: z.infer
<typeof UnsignedVPValidator
Defined in
Ƭ VC: z.infer
<typeof VCValidator
Defined in
Ƭ VP: z.infer
<typeof VPValidator
Defined in
Ƭ VerificationCheck: z.infer
<typeof VerificationCheckValidator
Defined in
Ƭ VerificationItem: z.infer
<typeof VerificationItemValidator
Defined in
Ƭ VerificationStatus: z.infer
<typeof VerificationStatusValidator
Defined in
• Const
AchievementCredentialValidator: ZodObject
<{ @context
: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
> = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; credentialStatus
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; credentialSubject
: ZodUnion
<{ achievement
: ZodOptional
<{ @language
: ZodOptional
> ; achievementType
: ZodOptional
, "ApprenticeshipCertificate"
, "Assessment"
, "Assignment"
, "AssociateDegree"
, "Award"
, "Badge"
, "BachelorDegree"
, "Certificate"
, "CertificateOfCompletion"
, "Certification"
, "CommunityService"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; creator
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]>> ; creditsAvailable
: ZodOptional
> ; criteria
: ZodObject
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
}> = CriteriaValidator; description
: ZodString
; endorsement
: ZodOptional
<{ type: ZodArray<ZodString, "atleastone">; id: ZodOptional<ZodString>; '@context': ZodArray<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodAny>]>, "many">; ... 7 more ...; proof: ZodOptional<...>; }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; fieldOfStudy
: ZodOptional
> ; humanCode
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodString
; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; related
: ZodOptional
<{ @language
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; version
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; resultDescription
: ZodOptional
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; allowedValue
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; id
: ZodString
; name
: ZodString
; requiredLevel
: ZodOptional
> ; requiredValue
: ZodOptional
> ; resultType
: ZodUnion
, "LetterGrade"
, "Percent"
, "PerformanceLevel"
, "PredictedScore"
, "RawScore"
, "Result"
, "RubricCriterion"
, "RubricCriterionLevel"
, "RubricScore"
, "ScaledScore"
, "Status"
]>, ZodString
]> = ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: ZodOptional
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; level
: ZodOptional
> ; name
: ZodString
; points
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; valueMax
: ZodOptional
> ; valueMin
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
}, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; specialization
: ZodOptional
> ; tag
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; version
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @language
: undefined
| string
; achievementType
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; creator
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; creditsAvailable
: undefined
| number
; criteria
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; } = CriteriaValidator; description
: string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] ; fieldOfStudy
: undefined
| string
; humanCode
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; related
: undefined
| { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 9 more ...; resultType: string; }[] ; specialization
: undefined
| string
; tag
: undefined
| string
[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; version
: undefined
| string
}, { @language
: undefined
| string
; achievementType
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; creator
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; creditsAvailable
: undefined
| number
; criteria
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; } = CriteriaValidator; description
: string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] ; fieldOfStudy
: undefined
| string
; humanCode
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; related
: undefined
| { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 9 more ...; resultType: string; }[] ; specialization
: undefined
| string
; tag
: undefined
| string
[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; version
: undefined
| string
}>> ; activityEndDate
: ZodOptional
> ; activityStartDate
: ZodOptional
> ; creditsEarned
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; identifier
: ZodOptional
<{ hashed
: ZodBoolean
; identityHash
: ZodString
; identityType
: ZodString
; salt
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}, { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; licenseNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> ; result
: ZodOptional
<{ achievedLevel
: ZodOptional
> ; alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; resultDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; status
: ZodOptional
, "Enrolled"
, "Failed"
, "InProgress"
, "OnHold"
, "Withdrew"
]>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; value
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { achievedLevel
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "Completed"
| "Enrolled"
| "Failed"
| "InProgress"
| "OnHold"
| "Withdrew"
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; value
: undefined
| string
}, { achievedLevel
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "Completed"
| "Enrolled"
| "Failed"
| "InProgress"
| "OnHold"
| "Withdrew"
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; value
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; role
: ZodOptional
> ; source
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
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: undefined
| string
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: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]>> ; term
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { achievement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; tag?: string[] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; endorsement?: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { ...; } | undefined; ... 7 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] | undefined; ... 16 more ...; criteria: { ...; }; } ; activityEndDate
: undefined
| string
; activityStartDate
: undefined
| string
; creditsEarned
: undefined
| number
; id
: undefined
| string
; identifier
: undefined
| { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}[] ; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; licenseNumber
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; result
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; status?: "Completed" | "Enrolled" | "Failed" | "InProgress" | "OnHold" | "Withdrew" | undefined; value?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; ... 5 more ...; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; resultDescription?: string | undefined; achievedLevel?: string | undefine...[] ; role
: undefined
| string
; source
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; term
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { achievement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; tag?: string[] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; endorsement?: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { ...; } | undefined; ... 7 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] | undefined; ... 16 more ...; criteria: { ...; }; } ; activityEndDate
: undefined
| string
; activityStartDate
: undefined
| string
; creditsEarned
: undefined
| number
; id
: undefined
| string
; identifier
: undefined
| { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}[] ; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; licenseNumber
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; result
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; status?: "Completed" | "Enrolled" | "Failed" | "InProgress" | "OnHold" | "Withdrew" | undefined; value?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; ... 5 more ...; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; resultDescription?: string | undefined; achievedLevel?: string | undefine...[] ; role
: undefined
| string
; source
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; term
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, ZodArray
<{ achievement
: ZodOptional
<{ @language
: ZodOptional
> ; achievementType
: ZodOptional
, "ApprenticeshipCertificate"
, "Assessment"
, "Assignment"
, "AssociateDegree"
, "Award"
, "Badge"
, "BachelorDegree"
, "Certificate"
, "CertificateOfCompletion"
, "Certification"
, "CommunityService"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; creator
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
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: undefined
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: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]>> ; creditsAvailable
: ZodOptional
> ; criteria
: ZodObject
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
}> = CriteriaValidator; description
: ZodString
; endorsement
: ZodOptional
<{ type: ZodArray<ZodString, "atleastone">; id: ZodOptional<ZodString>; '@context': ZodArray<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodAny>]>, "many">; ... 7 more ...; proof: ZodOptional<...>; }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; fieldOfStudy
: ZodOptional
> ; humanCode
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodString
; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; related
: ZodOptional
<{ @language
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; version
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; resultDescription
: ZodOptional
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; allowedValue
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; id
: ZodString
; name
: ZodString
; requiredLevel
: ZodOptional
> ; requiredValue
: ZodOptional
> ; resultType
: ZodUnion
, "LetterGrade"
, "Percent"
, "PerformanceLevel"
, "PredictedScore"
, "RawScore"
, "Result"
, "RubricCriterion"
, "RubricCriterionLevel"
, "RubricScore"
, "ScaledScore"
, "Status"
]>, ZodString
]> = ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: ZodOptional
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; level
: ZodOptional
> ; name
: ZodString
; points
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; valueMax
: ZodOptional
> ; valueMin
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
}, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; specialization
: ZodOptional
> ; tag
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; version
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @language
: undefined
| string
; achievementType
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; creator
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; creditsAvailable
: undefined
| number
; criteria
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; } = CriteriaValidator; description
: string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] ; fieldOfStudy
: undefined
| string
; humanCode
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; related
: undefined
| { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 9 more ...; resultType: string; }[] ; specialization
: undefined
| string
; tag
: undefined
| string
[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; version
: undefined
| string
}, { @language
: undefined
| string
; achievementType
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; creator
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; creditsAvailable
: undefined
| number
; criteria
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; } = CriteriaValidator; description
: string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] ; fieldOfStudy
: undefined
| string
; humanCode
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; related
: undefined
| { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 9 more ...; resultType: string; }[] ; specialization
: undefined
| string
; tag
: undefined
| string
[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; version
: undefined
| string
}>> ; activityEndDate
: ZodOptional
> ; activityStartDate
: ZodOptional
> ; creditsEarned
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; identifier
: ZodOptional
<{ hashed
: ZodBoolean
; identityHash
: ZodString
; identityType
: ZodString
; salt
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}, { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; licenseNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> ; result
: ZodOptional
<{ achievedLevel
: ZodOptional
> ; alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; resultDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; status
: ZodOptional
, "Enrolled"
, "Failed"
, "InProgress"
, "OnHold"
, "Withdrew"
]>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; value
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { achievedLevel
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "Completed"
| "Enrolled"
| "Failed"
| "InProgress"
| "OnHold"
| "Withdrew"
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; value
: undefined
| string
}, { achievedLevel
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "Completed"
| "Enrolled"
| "Failed"
| "InProgress"
| "OnHold"
| "Withdrew"
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; value
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; role
: ZodOptional
> ; source
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]>> ; term
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { achievement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; tag?: string[] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; endorsement?: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { ...; } | undefined; ... 7 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] | undefined; ... 16 more ...; criteria: { ...; }; } ; activityEndDate
: undefined
| string
; activityStartDate
: undefined
| string
; creditsEarned
: undefined
| number
; id
: undefined
| string
; identifier
: undefined
| { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}[] ; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; licenseNumber
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; result
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; status?: "Completed" | "Enrolled" | "Failed" | "InProgress" | "OnHold" | "Withdrew" | undefined; value?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; ... 5 more ...; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; resultDescription?: string | undefined; achievedLevel?: string | undefine...[] ; role
: undefined
| string
; source
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; term
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { achievement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; tag?: string[] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; endorsement?: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { ...; } | undefined; ... 7 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] | undefined; ... 16 more ...; criteria: { ...; }; } ; activityEndDate
: undefined
| string
; activityStartDate
: undefined
| string
; creditsEarned
: undefined
| number
; id
: undefined
| string
; identifier
: undefined
| { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}[] ; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; licenseNumber
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; result
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; status?: "Completed" | "Enrolled" | "Failed" | "InProgress" | "OnHold" | "Withdrew" | undefined; value?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; ... 5 more ...; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; resultDescription?: string | undefined; achievedLevel?: string | undefine...[] ; role
: undefined
| string
; source
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; term
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>]> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
<{ @context
: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
> = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; credentialStatus
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; credentialSubject
: ZodUnion
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
}>, ZodArray
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>]> ; expirationDate
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; issuanceDate
: ZodString
; issuer
: ZodUnion
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]> = ProfileValidator; refreshService
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; evidence
: ZodOptional
<{ audience
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; genre
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { audience
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; genre
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; name
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { audience
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; genre
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; name
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; expirationDate
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; issuanceDate
: ZodString
; issuer
: ZodUnion
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]> = ProfileValidator; name
: ZodOptional
> ; proof
: ZodUnion
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, ZodArray
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, "many"
>]> ; refreshService
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; identifier?: { salt?: string | undefined; type: string; hashed: boolean; identityHash: string; identityType: string; }[] | undefined; ... 10 more ...; type: [...]; } | { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; identifier?: { salt?: string | undefined; type: string; hashed: boolean; identityHash: string; identityType: string; }[] | undefined; ... 10 more ...; type: [...]; }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 5 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; } | { ...; }[]; }[] ; evidence
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; genre?: string | undefined; audience?: string | undefined; type: [...]; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; name
: undefined
| string
; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; identifier?: { salt?: string | undefined; type: string; hashed: boolean; identityHash: string; identityType: string; }[] | undefined; ... 10 more ...; type: [...]; } | { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; identifier?: { salt?: string | undefined; type: string; hashed: boolean; identityHash: string; identityType: string; }[] | undefined; ... 10 more ...; type: [...]; }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 5 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; } | { ...; }[]; }[] ; evidence
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; genre?: string | undefined; audience?: string | undefined; type: [...]; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; name
: undefined
| string
; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>
Defined in
• Const
AchievementCriteriaValidator: ZodObject
<{ narrative
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { narrative
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
}, { narrative
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
Defined in
• Const
AchievementSubjectValidator: ZodObject
<{ achievement
: ZodOptional
<{ @language
: ZodOptional
> ; achievementType
: ZodOptional
, "ApprenticeshipCertificate"
, "Assessment"
, "Assignment"
, "AssociateDegree"
, "Award"
, "Badge"
, "BachelorDegree"
, "Certificate"
, "CertificateOfCompletion"
, "Certification"
, "CommunityService"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; creator
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]>> ; creditsAvailable
: ZodOptional
> ; criteria
: ZodObject
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
}> = CriteriaValidator; description
: ZodString
; endorsement
: ZodOptional
<{ @context
: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
> = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; credentialStatus
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; credentialSubject
: ZodObject
<{ endorsementComment
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }> = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; issuanceDate
: ZodString
; issuer
: ZodUnion
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]> = ProfileValidator; proof
: ZodOptional
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, ZodArray
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, "many"
>]>> ; refreshService
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; fieldOfStudy
: ZodOptional
> ; humanCode
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodString
; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; related
: ZodOptional
<{ @language
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; version
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; resultDescription
: ZodOptional
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; allowedValue
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; id
: ZodString
; name
: ZodString
; requiredLevel
: ZodOptional
> ; requiredValue
: ZodOptional
> ; resultType
: ZodUnion
, "LetterGrade"
, "Percent"
, "PerformanceLevel"
, "PredictedScore"
, "RawScore"
, "Result"
, "RubricCriterion"
, "RubricCriterionLevel"
, "RubricScore"
, "ScaledScore"
, "Status"
]>, ZodString
]> = ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: ZodOptional
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; level
: ZodOptional
> ; name
: ZodString
; points
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; valueMax
: ZodOptional
> ; valueMin
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
}, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; specialization
: ZodOptional
> ; tag
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; version
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @language
: undefined
| string
; achievementType
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; creator
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; creditsAvailable
: undefined
| number
; criteria
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; } = CriteriaValidator; description
: string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] ; fieldOfStudy
: undefined
| string
; humanCode
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; related
: undefined
| { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 9 more ...; resultType: string; }[] ; specialization
: undefined
| string
; tag
: undefined
| string
[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; version
: undefined
| string
}, { @language
: undefined
| string
; achievementType
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; creator
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; creditsAvailable
: undefined
| number
; criteria
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; } = CriteriaValidator; description
: string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] ; fieldOfStudy
: undefined
| string
; humanCode
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; related
: undefined
| { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 9 more ...; resultType: string; }[] ; specialization
: undefined
| string
; tag
: undefined
| string
[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; version
: undefined
| string
}>> ; activityEndDate
: ZodOptional
> ; activityStartDate
: ZodOptional
> ; creditsEarned
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; identifier
: ZodOptional
<{ hashed
: ZodBoolean
; identityHash
: ZodString
; identityType
: ZodString
; salt
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}, { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; licenseNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> ; result
: ZodOptional
<{ achievedLevel
: ZodOptional
> ; alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; resultDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; status
: ZodOptional
, "Enrolled"
, "Failed"
, "InProgress"
, "OnHold"
, "Withdrew"
]>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; value
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { achievedLevel
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "Completed"
| "Enrolled"
| "Failed"
| "InProgress"
| "OnHold"
| "Withdrew"
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; value
: undefined
| string
}, { achievedLevel
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "Completed"
| "Enrolled"
| "Failed"
| "InProgress"
| "OnHold"
| "Withdrew"
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; value
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; role
: ZodOptional
> ; source
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]>> ; term
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { achievement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; tag?: string[] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; endorsement?: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { ...; } | undefined; ... 7 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] | undefined; ... 16 more ...; criteria: { ...; }; } ; activityEndDate
: undefined
| string
; activityStartDate
: undefined
| string
; creditsEarned
: undefined
| number
; id
: undefined
| string
; identifier
: undefined
| { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}[] ; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; licenseNumber
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; result
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; status?: "Completed" | "Enrolled" | "Failed" | "InProgress" | "OnHold" | "Withdrew" | undefined; value?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; ... 5 more ...; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; resultDescription?: string | undefined; achievedLevel?: string | undefine...[] ; role
: undefined
| string
; source
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; term
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { achievement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; tag?: string[] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; endorsement?: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { ...; } | undefined; ... 7 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] | undefined; ... 16 more ...; criteria: { ...; }; } ; activityEndDate
: undefined
| string
; activityStartDate
: undefined
| string
; creditsEarned
: undefined
| number
; id
: undefined
| string
; identifier
: undefined
| { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}[] ; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; licenseNumber
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; result
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; status?: "Completed" | "Enrolled" | "Failed" | "InProgress" | "OnHold" | "Withdrew" | undefined; value?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; ... 5 more ...; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; resultDescription?: string | undefined; achievedLevel?: string | undefine...[] ; role
: undefined
| string
; source
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; term
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>
Defined in
• Const
AchievementTypeValidator: ZodUnion
, "ApprenticeshipCertificate"
, "Assessment"
, "Assignment"
, "AssociateDegree"
, "Award"
, "Badge"
, "BachelorDegree"
, "Certificate"
, "CertificateOfCompletion"
, "Certification"
, "CommunityService"
]>, ZodString
Defined in
• Const
AchievementValidator: ZodObject
<{ @language
: ZodOptional
> ; achievementType
: ZodOptional
, "ApprenticeshipCertificate"
, "Assessment"
, "Assignment"
, "AssociateDegree"
, "Award"
, "Badge"
, "BachelorDegree"
, "Certificate"
, "CertificateOfCompletion"
, "Certification"
, "CommunityService"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; creator
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]>> ; creditsAvailable
: ZodOptional
> ; criteria
: ZodObject
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
}> = CriteriaValidator; description
: ZodString
; endorsement
: ZodOptional
<{ @context
: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
> = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; credentialStatus
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; credentialSubject
: ZodObject
<{ endorsementComment
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }> = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; issuanceDate
: ZodString
; issuer
: ZodUnion
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]> = ProfileValidator; proof
: ZodOptional
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, ZodArray
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, "many"
>]>> ; refreshService
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; fieldOfStudy
: ZodOptional
> ; humanCode
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodString
; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; related
: ZodOptional
<{ @language
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; version
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; resultDescription
: ZodOptional
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; allowedValue
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; id
: ZodString
; name
: ZodString
; requiredLevel
: ZodOptional
> ; requiredValue
: ZodOptional
> ; resultType
: ZodUnion
, "LetterGrade"
, "Percent"
, "PerformanceLevel"
, "PredictedScore"
, "RawScore"
, "Result"
, "RubricCriterion"
, "RubricCriterionLevel"
, "RubricScore"
, "ScaledScore"
, "Status"
]>, ZodString
]> = ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: ZodOptional
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; level
: ZodOptional
> ; name
: ZodString
; points
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; valueMax
: ZodOptional
> ; valueMin
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
}, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; specialization
: ZodOptional
> ; tag
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; version
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @language
: undefined
| string
; achievementType
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; creator
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; creditsAvailable
: undefined
| number
; criteria
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; } = CriteriaValidator; description
: string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] ; fieldOfStudy
: undefined
| string
; humanCode
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; related
: undefined
| { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 9 more ...; resultType: string; }[] ; specialization
: undefined
| string
; tag
: undefined
| string
[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; version
: undefined
| string
}, { @language
: undefined
| string
; achievementType
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; creator
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; creditsAvailable
: undefined
| number
; criteria
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; } = CriteriaValidator; description
: string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] ; fieldOfStudy
: undefined
| string
; humanCode
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; related
: undefined
| { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 9 more ...; resultType: string; }[] ; specialization
: undefined
| string
; tag
: undefined
| string
[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; version
: undefined
| string
Defined in
• Const
AddressValidator: ZodObject
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>
Defined in
• Const
AlignmentTargetTypeValidator: ZodUnion
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
Defined in
• Const
AlignmentValidator: ZodObject
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>
Defined in
• Const
BoostRecipientValidator: ZodObject
<{ from
: ZodString
; received
: ZodOptional
> ; to
: ZodObject
<{ did
: ZodString
; displayName
: ZodDefault
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
> ; isServiceProfile
: ZodOptional
>> ; notificationsWebhook
: ZodOptional
> ; profileId
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { did
: string
; displayName
: string
; email
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
; isServiceProfile
: undefined
| boolean
; notificationsWebhook
: undefined
| string
; profileId
: string
}, { did
: string
; displayName
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
; isServiceProfile
: undefined
| boolean
; notificationsWebhook
: undefined
| string
; profileId
: string
}> = LCNProfileValidator }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { from
: string
; received
: undefined
| string
; to
: { image?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; isServiceProfile?: boolean | undefined; notificationsWebhook?: string | undefined; profileId: string; displayName: string; did: string; } = LCNProfileValidator }, { from
: string
; received
: undefined
| string
; to
: { image?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; displayName?: string | undefined; isServiceProfile?: boolean | undefined; notificationsWebhook?: string | undefined; profileId: string; did: string; } = LCNProfileValidator }>
Defined in
• Const
BoostValidator: ZodObject
<{ category
: ZodOptional
> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; status
: ZodOptional
, "LIVE"
]>> ; type
: ZodOptional
> ; uri
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { category
: undefined
| string
; name
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "LIVE"
; type
: undefined
| string
; uri
: string
}, { category
: undefined
| string
; name
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "LIVE"
; type
: undefined
| string
; uri
: string
Defined in
• Const
ContextValidator: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
Defined in
• Const
CredentialInfoValidator: ZodObject
<{ createdAt
: ZodOptional
> ; credentialSubject
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
}>> ; issuee
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]>> ; issuer
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]>> ; title
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { createdAt
: undefined
| string
; credentialSubject
: undefined
| { id
: undefined
| string
} ; issuee
: undefined
| string
| { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry?: string | undefined; addressCountryCode?: string | undefined; addressRegion?: string | undefined; addressLocality?: string | undefined; streetAddress?: string | undefined; postOfficeBoxNumber?: string | undefined; postalCode?: string | undefined; geo?: { ...; } | undefined; type: string | [...]; } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption?: string | undefined; type: string; id: string; } ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; identifier: string; identifierType: string; }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
} ; issuer
: undefined
| string
| { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry?: string | undefined; addressCountryCode?: string | undefined; addressRegion?: string | undefined; addressLocality?: string | undefined; streetAddress?: string | undefined; postOfficeBoxNumber?: string | undefined; postalCode?: string | undefined; geo?: { ...; } | undefined; type: string | [...]; } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption?: string | undefined; type: string; id: string; } ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; identifier: string; identifierType: string; }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
} ; title
: undefined
| string
}, { createdAt
: undefined
| string
; credentialSubject
: undefined
| { id
: undefined
| string
} ; issuee
: undefined
| string
| { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry?: string | undefined; addressCountryCode?: string | undefined; addressRegion?: string | undefined; addressLocality?: string | undefined; streetAddress?: string | undefined; postOfficeBoxNumber?: string | undefined; postalCode?: string | undefined; geo?: { ...; } | undefined; type: string | [...]; } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption?: string | undefined; type: string; id: string; } ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; identifier: string; identifierType: string; }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
} ; issuer
: undefined
| string
| { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry?: string | undefined; addressCountryCode?: string | undefined; addressRegion?: string | undefined; addressLocality?: string | undefined; streetAddress?: string | undefined; postOfficeBoxNumber?: string | undefined; postalCode?: string | undefined; geo?: { ...; } | undefined; type: string | [...]; } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption?: string | undefined; type: string; id: string; } ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; identifier: string; identifierType: string; }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
} ; title
: undefined
| string
Defined in
• Const
CredentialRecordValidator: ZodObject
<{ id
: ZodString
; uri
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: string
; uri
: string
}, { id
: string
; uri
: string
Defined in
• Const
CredentialSchemaValidator: ZodObject
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
Defined in
• Const
CredentialStatusValidator: ZodObject
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
Defined in
• Const
CredentialSubjectValidator: ZodObject
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
Defined in
• Const
CriteriaValidator: ZodObject
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
Defined in
• Const
EncryptedCredentialRecordValidator: ZodObject
<{ encryptedRecord
: ZodObject
<{ aad
: ZodOptional
> ; ciphertext
: ZodString
; iv
: ZodString
; protected
: ZodString
; recipients
: ZodOptional
<{ encrypted_key
: ZodString
; header
: ZodObject
<{ alg
: ZodString
; apu
: ZodOptional
> ; apv
: ZodOptional
> ; epk
: ZodOptional
<{ crv
: ZodOptional
> ; d
: ZodOptional
> ; kty
: ZodOptional
> ; n
: ZodOptional
>> ; x
: ZodOptional
> ; y
: ZodOptional
>> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
}, { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
}>> ; iv
: ZodString
; kid
: ZodOptional
> ; tag
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { alg
: string
; apu
: undefined
| string
; apv
: undefined
| string
; epk
: undefined
| { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
} ; iv
: string
; kid
: undefined
| string
; tag
: string
}, { alg
: string
; apu
: undefined
| string
; apv
: undefined
| string
; epk
: undefined
| { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
} ; iv
: string
; kid
: undefined
| string
; tag
: string
}> = JWERecipientHeaderValidator }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { encrypted_key
: string
; header
: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; } = JWERecipientHeaderValidator }, { encrypted_key
: string
; header
: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; } = JWERecipientHeaderValidator }>, "many"
>> ; tag
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { aad
: undefined
| string
; ciphertext
: string
; iv
: string
; protected
: string
; recipients
: undefined
| { header: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; }; encrypted_key: string; }[] ; tag
: string
}, { aad
: undefined
| string
; ciphertext
: string
; iv
: string
; protected
: string
; recipients
: undefined
| { header: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; }; encrypted_key: string; }[] ; tag
: string
}> = JWEValidator; fields
: ZodArray
, "many"
> ; id
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { encryptedRecord
: { aad
: undefined
| string
; ciphertext
: string
; iv
: string
; protected
: string
; recipients
: undefined
| { header: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; }; encrypted_key: string; }[] ; tag
: string
} = JWEValidator; fields
: string
[] ; id
: string
}, { encryptedRecord
: { aad
: undefined
| string
; ciphertext
: string
; iv
: string
; protected
: string
; recipients
: undefined
| { header: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; }; encrypted_key: string; }[] ; tag
: string
} = JWEValidator; fields
: string
[] ; id
: string
Defined in
• Const
EndorsementCredentialValidator: ZodObject
<{ @context
: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
> = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; credentialStatus
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; credentialSubject
: ZodObject
<{ endorsementComment
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }> = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; issuanceDate
: ZodString
; issuer
: ZodUnion
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]> = ProfileValidator; proof
: ZodOptional
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, ZodArray
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, "many"
>]>> ; refreshService
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>
Defined in
• Const
EndorsementSubjectValidator: ZodObject
<{ endorsementComment
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>
Defined in
• Const
EvidenceValidator: ZodObject
<{ audience
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; genre
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { audience
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; genre
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; name
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { audience
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; genre
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; name
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>
Defined in
• Const
GeoCoordinatesValidator: ZodObject
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>
Defined in
• Const
IdentifierEntryValidator: ZodObject
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>
Defined in
• Const
IdentifierTypeValidator: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
Defined in
• Const
IdentityObjectValidator: ZodObject
<{ hashed
: ZodBoolean
; identityHash
: ZodString
; identityType
: ZodString
; salt
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}, { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
Defined in
• Const
ImageValidator: ZodUnion
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
Defined in
• Const
JWERecipientHeaderValidator: ZodObject
<{ alg
: ZodString
; apu
: ZodOptional
> ; apv
: ZodOptional
> ; epk
: ZodOptional
<{ crv
: ZodOptional
> ; d
: ZodOptional
> ; kty
: ZodOptional
> ; n
: ZodOptional
>> ; x
: ZodOptional
> ; y
: ZodOptional
>> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
}, { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
}>> ; iv
: ZodString
; kid
: ZodOptional
> ; tag
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { alg
: string
; apu
: undefined
| string
; apv
: undefined
| string
; epk
: undefined
| { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
} ; iv
: string
; kid
: undefined
| string
; tag
: string
}, { alg
: string
; apu
: undefined
| string
; apv
: undefined
| string
; epk
: undefined
| { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
} ; iv
: string
; kid
: undefined
| string
; tag
: string
Defined in
• Const
JWERecipientValidator: ZodObject
<{ encrypted_key
: ZodString
; header
: ZodObject
<{ alg
: ZodString
; apu
: ZodOptional
> ; apv
: ZodOptional
> ; epk
: ZodOptional
<{ crv
: ZodOptional
> ; d
: ZodOptional
> ; kty
: ZodOptional
> ; n
: ZodOptional
>> ; x
: ZodOptional
> ; y
: ZodOptional
>> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
}, { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
}>> ; iv
: ZodString
; kid
: ZodOptional
> ; tag
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { alg
: string
; apu
: undefined
| string
; apv
: undefined
| string
; epk
: undefined
| { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
} ; iv
: string
; kid
: undefined
| string
; tag
: string
}, { alg
: string
; apu
: undefined
| string
; apv
: undefined
| string
; epk
: undefined
| { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
} ; iv
: string
; kid
: undefined
| string
; tag
: string
}> = JWERecipientHeaderValidator }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { encrypted_key
: string
; header
: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; } = JWERecipientHeaderValidator }, { encrypted_key
: string
; header
: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; } = JWERecipientHeaderValidator }>
Defined in
• Const
JWEValidator: ZodObject
<{ aad
: ZodOptional
> ; ciphertext
: ZodString
; iv
: ZodString
; protected
: ZodString
; recipients
: ZodOptional
<{ encrypted_key
: ZodString
; header
: ZodObject
<{ alg
: ZodString
; apu
: ZodOptional
> ; apv
: ZodOptional
> ; epk
: ZodOptional
<{ crv
: ZodOptional
> ; d
: ZodOptional
> ; kty
: ZodOptional
> ; n
: ZodOptional
>> ; x
: ZodOptional
> ; y
: ZodOptional
>> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
}, { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
}>> ; iv
: ZodString
; kid
: ZodOptional
> ; tag
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { alg
: string
; apu
: undefined
| string
; apv
: undefined
| string
; epk
: undefined
| { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
} ; iv
: string
; kid
: undefined
| string
; tag
: string
}, { alg
: string
; apu
: undefined
| string
; apv
: undefined
| string
; epk
: undefined
| { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
} ; iv
: string
; kid
: undefined
| string
; tag
: string
}> = JWERecipientHeaderValidator }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { encrypted_key
: string
; header
: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; } = JWERecipientHeaderValidator }, { encrypted_key
: string
; header
: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; } = JWERecipientHeaderValidator }>, "many"
>> ; tag
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { aad
: undefined
| string
; ciphertext
: string
; iv
: string
; protected
: string
; recipients
: undefined
| { header: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; }; encrypted_key: string; }[] ; tag
: string
}, { aad
: undefined
| string
; ciphertext
: string
; iv
: string
; protected
: string
; recipients
: undefined
| { header: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; }; encrypted_key: string; }[] ; tag
: string
Defined in
• Const
JWKValidator: ZodObject
<{ crv
: ZodString
; d
: ZodString
; kty
: ZodString
; n
: ZodOptional
> ; x
: ZodString
; y
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { crv
: string
; d
: string
; kty
: string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: string
; y
: undefined
| string
}, { crv
: string
; d
: string
; kty
: string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: string
; y
: undefined
| string
Defined in
• Const
KnownAchievementTypeValidator: ZodEnum
, "ApprenticeshipCertificate"
, "Assessment"
, "Assignment"
, "AssociateDegree"
, "Award"
, "Badge"
, "BachelorDegree"
, "Certificate"
, "CertificateOfCompletion"
, "Certification"
, "CommunityService"
Defined in
• Const
LCNBoostClaimLinkOptionsValidator: ZodObject
<{ totalUses
: ZodOptional
> ; ttlSeconds
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { totalUses
: undefined
| number
; ttlSeconds
: undefined
| number
}, { totalUses
: undefined
| number
; ttlSeconds
: undefined
| number
Defined in
• Const
LCNBoostClaimLinkSigningAuthorityValidator: ZodObject
<{ did
: ZodOptional
> ; endpoint
: ZodString
; name
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { did
: undefined
| string
; endpoint
: string
; name
: string
}, { did
: undefined
| string
; endpoint
: string
; name
: string
Defined in
• Const
LCNBoostStatus: ZodEnum
, "LIVE"
Defined in
• Const
LCNNotificationDataValidator: ZodObject
<{ vcUris
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; vpUris
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { vcUris
: undefined
| string
[] ; vpUris
: undefined
| string
[] }, { vcUris
: undefined
| string
[] ; vpUris
: undefined
| string
[] }>
Defined in
• Const
LCNNotificationMessageValidator: ZodObject
<{ body
: ZodOptional
> ; title
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { body
: undefined
| string
; title
: undefined
| string
}, { body
: undefined
| string
; title
: undefined
| string
Defined in
• Const
LCNNotificationTypeEnumValidator: ZodEnum
Defined in
• Const
LCNNotificationValidator: ZodObject
<{ data
: ZodOptional
<{ vcUris
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; vpUris
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { vcUris
: undefined
| string
[] ; vpUris
: undefined
| string
[] }, { vcUris
: undefined
| string
[] ; vpUris
: undefined
| string
[] }>> ; from
: ZodIntersection
<{ did
: ZodOptional
> ; displayName
: ZodOptional
>> ; email
: ZodOptional
>> ; image
: ZodOptional
>> ; isServiceProfile
: ZodOptional
>>> ; notificationsWebhook
: ZodOptional
>> ; profileId
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { did
: undefined
| string
; displayName
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
; isServiceProfile
: undefined
| boolean
; notificationsWebhook
: undefined
| string
; profileId
: undefined
| string
}, { did
: undefined
| string
; displayName
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
; isServiceProfile
: undefined
| boolean
; notificationsWebhook
: undefined
| string
; profileId
: undefined
| string
}>, ZodObject
<{ did
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { did
: string
}, { did
: string
}>> ; message
: ZodOptional
<{ body
: ZodOptional
> ; title
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { body
: undefined
| string
; title
: undefined
| string
}, { body
: undefined
| string
; title
: undefined
| string
}>> ; sent
: ZodOptional
> ; to
: ZodIntersection
<{ did
: ZodOptional
> ; displayName
: ZodOptional
>> ; email
: ZodOptional
>> ; image
: ZodOptional
>> ; isServiceProfile
: ZodOptional
>>> ; notificationsWebhook
: ZodOptional
>> ; profileId
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { did
: undefined
| string
; displayName
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
; isServiceProfile
: undefined
| boolean
; notificationsWebhook
: undefined
| string
; profileId
: undefined
| string
}, { did
: undefined
| string
; displayName
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
; isServiceProfile
: undefined
| boolean
; notificationsWebhook
: undefined
| string
; profileId
: undefined
| string
}>, ZodObject
<{ did
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { did
: string
}, { did
: string
}>> ; type
: ZodEnum
]> = LCNNotificationTypeEnumValidator }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { data
: undefined
| { vcUris?: string[] | undefined; vpUris?: string[] | undefined; } ; from
: { did
: undefined
| string
; displayName
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
; isServiceProfile
: undefined
| boolean
; notificationsWebhook
: undefined
| string
; profileId
: undefined
| string
} & { did: string; } ; message
: undefined
| { title?: string | undefined; body?: string | undefined; } ; sent
: undefined
| string
; to
: { did
: undefined
| string
; displayName
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
; isServiceProfile
: undefined
| boolean
; notificationsWebhook
: undefined
| string
; profileId
: undefined
| string
} & { did: string; } ; type
= LCNNotificationTypeEnumValidator }, { data
: undefined
| { vcUris?: string[] | undefined; vpUris?: string[] | undefined; } ; from
: { did
: undefined
| string
; displayName
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
; isServiceProfile
: undefined
| boolean
; notificationsWebhook
: undefined
| string
; profileId
: undefined
| string
} & { did: string; } ; message
: undefined
| { title?: string | undefined; body?: string | undefined; } ; sent
: undefined
| string
; to
: { did
: undefined
| string
; displayName
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
; isServiceProfile
: undefined
| boolean
; notificationsWebhook
: undefined
| string
; profileId
: undefined
| string
} & { did: string; } ; type
= LCNNotificationTypeEnumValidator }>
Defined in
• Const
LCNProfileConnectionStatusEnum: ZodEnum
Defined in
• Const
LCNProfileValidator: ZodObject
<{ did
: ZodString
; displayName
: ZodDefault
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
> ; isServiceProfile
: ZodOptional
>> ; notificationsWebhook
: ZodOptional
> ; profileId
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { did
: string
; displayName
: string
; email
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
; isServiceProfile
: undefined
| boolean
; notificationsWebhook
: undefined
| string
; profileId
: string
}, { did
: string
; displayName
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
; isServiceProfile
: undefined
| boolean
; notificationsWebhook
: undefined
| string
; profileId
: string
Defined in
• Const
LCNSigningAuthorityForUserValidator: ZodObject
<{ relationship
: ZodObject
<{ did
: ZodString
; name
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { did
: string
; name
: string
}, { did
: string
; name
: string
}> ; signingAuthority
: ZodObject
<{ endpoint
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { endpoint
: string
}, { endpoint
: string
}> = LCNSigningAuthorityValidator }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { relationship
: { name: string; did: string; } ; signingAuthority
: { endpoint: string; } = LCNSigningAuthorityValidator }, { relationship
: { name: string; did: string; } ; signingAuthority
: { endpoint: string; } = LCNSigningAuthorityValidator }>
Defined in
• Const
LCNSigningAuthorityValidator: ZodObject
<{ endpoint
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { endpoint
: string
}, { endpoint
: string
Defined in
• Const
PaginatedEncryptedCredentialRecordsValidator: ZodObject
<{ cursor
: ZodOptional
> ; hasMore
: ZodBoolean
; records
: ZodArray
<{ encryptedRecord
: ZodObject
<{ aad
: ZodOptional
> ; ciphertext
: ZodString
; iv
: ZodString
; protected
: ZodString
; recipients
: ZodOptional
<{ encrypted_key
: ZodString
; header
: ZodObject
<{ alg
: ZodString
; apu
: ZodOptional
> ; apv
: ZodOptional
> ; epk
: ZodOptional
<{ crv
: ZodOptional
> ; d
: ZodOptional
> ; kty
: ZodOptional
> ; n
: ZodOptional
>> ; x
: ZodOptional
> ; y
: ZodOptional
>> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
}, { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
}>> ; iv
: ZodString
; kid
: ZodOptional
> ; tag
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { alg
: string
; apu
: undefined
| string
; apv
: undefined
| string
; epk
: undefined
| { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
} ; iv
: string
; kid
: undefined
| string
; tag
: string
}, { alg
: string
; apu
: undefined
| string
; apv
: undefined
| string
; epk
: undefined
| { crv
: undefined
| string
; d
: undefined
| string
; kty
: undefined
| string
; n
: undefined
| string
; x
: undefined
| string
; y
: undefined
| string
} ; iv
: string
; kid
: undefined
| string
; tag
: string
}> = JWERecipientHeaderValidator }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { encrypted_key
: string
; header
: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; } = JWERecipientHeaderValidator }, { encrypted_key
: string
; header
: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; } = JWERecipientHeaderValidator }>, "many"
>> ; tag
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { aad
: undefined
| string
; ciphertext
: string
; iv
: string
; protected
: string
; recipients
: undefined
| { header: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; }; encrypted_key: string; }[] ; tag
: string
}, { aad
: undefined
| string
; ciphertext
: string
; iv
: string
; protected
: string
; recipients
: undefined
| { header: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; }; encrypted_key: string; }[] ; tag
: string
}> = JWEValidator; fields
: ZodArray
, "many"
> ; id
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { encryptedRecord
: { aad
: undefined
| string
; ciphertext
: string
; iv
: string
; protected
: string
; recipients
: undefined
| { header: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; }; encrypted_key: string; }[] ; tag
: string
} = JWEValidator; fields
: string
[] ; id
: string
}, { encryptedRecord
: { aad
: undefined
| string
; ciphertext
: string
; iv
: string
; protected
: string
; recipients
: undefined
| { header: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; kid?: string | undefined; ... 4 more ...; tag: string; }; encrypted_key: string; }[] ; tag
: string
} = JWEValidator; fields
: string
[] ; id
: string
}>, "many"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { cursor
: undefined
| string
; hasMore
: boolean
; records
: { [x: string]: any; id: string; encryptedRecord: { aad?: string | undefined; recipients?: { header: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; ... 5 more ...; tag: string; }; encrypted_ke...[] }, { cursor
: undefined
| string
; hasMore
: boolean
; records
: { [x: string]: any; id: string; encryptedRecord: { aad?: string | undefined; recipients?: { header: { epk?: { kty?: string | undefined; crv?: string | undefined; x?: string | undefined; y?: string | undefined; n?: string | undefined; d?: string | undefined; } | undefined; ... 5 more ...; tag: string; }; encrypted_ke...[] }>
Defined in
• Const
PaginationOptionsValidator: ZodObject
<{ cursor
: ZodOptional
> ; limit
: ZodNumber
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { cursor
: undefined
| string
; limit
: number
}, { cursor
: undefined
| string
; limit
: number
Defined in
• Const
PaginationResponseValidator: ZodObject
<{ cursor
: ZodOptional
> ; hasMore
: ZodBoolean
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { cursor
: undefined
| string
; hasMore
: boolean
}, { cursor
: undefined
| string
; hasMore
: boolean
Defined in
• Const
ProfileValidator: ZodUnion
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
Defined in
• Const
ProofValidator: ZodObject
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
Defined in
• Const
RefreshServiceValidator: ZodObject
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
Defined in
• Const
RelatedValidator: ZodObject
<{ @language
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; version
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
Defined in
• Const
ResultDescriptionValidator: ZodObject
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; allowedValue
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; id
: ZodString
; name
: ZodString
; requiredLevel
: ZodOptional
> ; requiredValue
: ZodOptional
> ; resultType
: ZodUnion
, "LetterGrade"
, "Percent"
, "PerformanceLevel"
, "PredictedScore"
, "RawScore"
, "Result"
, "RubricCriterion"
, "RubricCriterionLevel"
, "RubricScore"
, "ScaledScore"
, "Status"
]>, ZodString
]> = ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: ZodOptional
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; level
: ZodOptional
> ; name
: ZodString
; points
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; valueMax
: ZodOptional
> ; valueMin
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
}, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
Defined in
• Const
ResultStatusTypeValidator: ZodEnum
, "Enrolled"
, "Failed"
, "InProgress"
, "OnHold"
, "Withdrew"
Defined in
• Const
ResultTypeValidator: ZodUnion
, "LetterGrade"
, "Percent"
, "PerformanceLevel"
, "PredictedScore"
, "RawScore"
, "Result"
, "RubricCriterion"
, "RubricCriterionLevel"
, "RubricScore"
, "ScaledScore"
, "Status"
]>, ZodString
Defined in
• Const
ResultValidator: ZodObject
<{ achievedLevel
: ZodOptional
> ; alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; resultDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; status
: ZodOptional
, "Enrolled"
, "Failed"
, "InProgress"
, "OnHold"
, "Withdrew"
]>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; value
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { achievedLevel
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "Completed"
| "Enrolled"
| "Failed"
| "InProgress"
| "OnHold"
| "Withdrew"
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; value
: undefined
| string
}, { achievedLevel
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "Completed"
| "Enrolled"
| "Failed"
| "InProgress"
| "OnHold"
| "Withdrew"
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; value
: undefined
| string
Defined in
• Const
RubricCriterionValidator: ZodObject
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; level
: ZodOptional
> ; name
: ZodString
; points
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>
Defined in
• Const
SentCredentialInfoValidator: ZodObject
<{ from
: ZodString
; received
: ZodOptional
> ; sent
: ZodString
; to
: ZodString
; uri
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { from
: string
; received
: undefined
| string
; sent
: string
; to
: string
; uri
: string
}, { from
: string
; received
: undefined
| string
; sent
: string
; to
: string
; uri
: string
Defined in
• Const
UnsignedAchievementCredentialValidator: ZodObject
<{ @context
: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
> = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; credentialStatus
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; credentialSubject
: ZodUnion
<{ achievement
: ZodOptional
<{ @language
: ZodOptional
> ; achievementType
: ZodOptional
, "ApprenticeshipCertificate"
, "Assessment"
, "Assignment"
, "AssociateDegree"
, "Award"
, "Badge"
, "BachelorDegree"
, "Certificate"
, "CertificateOfCompletion"
, "Certification"
, "CommunityService"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; creator
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]>> ; creditsAvailable
: ZodOptional
> ; criteria
: ZodObject
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
}> = CriteriaValidator; description
: ZodString
; endorsement
: ZodOptional
<{ type: ZodArray<ZodString, "atleastone">; id: ZodOptional<ZodString>; '@context': ZodArray<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodAny>]>, "many">; ... 7 more ...; proof: ZodOptional<...>; }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; fieldOfStudy
: ZodOptional
> ; humanCode
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodString
; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; related
: ZodOptional
<{ @language
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; version
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; resultDescription
: ZodOptional
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; allowedValue
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; id
: ZodString
; name
: ZodString
; requiredLevel
: ZodOptional
> ; requiredValue
: ZodOptional
> ; resultType
: ZodUnion
, "LetterGrade"
, "Percent"
, "PerformanceLevel"
, "PredictedScore"
, "RawScore"
, "Result"
, "RubricCriterion"
, "RubricCriterionLevel"
, "RubricScore"
, "ScaledScore"
, "Status"
]>, ZodString
]> = ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: ZodOptional
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; level
: ZodOptional
> ; name
: ZodString
; points
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; valueMax
: ZodOptional
> ; valueMin
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
}, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; specialization
: ZodOptional
> ; tag
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; version
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @language
: undefined
| string
; achievementType
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; creator
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; creditsAvailable
: undefined
| number
; criteria
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; } = CriteriaValidator; description
: string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] ; fieldOfStudy
: undefined
| string
; humanCode
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; related
: undefined
| { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 9 more ...; resultType: string; }[] ; specialization
: undefined
| string
; tag
: undefined
| string
[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; version
: undefined
| string
}, { @language
: undefined
| string
; achievementType
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; creator
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; creditsAvailable
: undefined
| number
; criteria
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; } = CriteriaValidator; description
: string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] ; fieldOfStudy
: undefined
| string
; humanCode
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; related
: undefined
| { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 9 more ...; resultType: string; }[] ; specialization
: undefined
| string
; tag
: undefined
| string
[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; version
: undefined
| string
}>> ; activityEndDate
: ZodOptional
> ; activityStartDate
: ZodOptional
> ; creditsEarned
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; identifier
: ZodOptional
<{ hashed
: ZodBoolean
; identityHash
: ZodString
; identityType
: ZodString
; salt
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}, { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; licenseNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> ; result
: ZodOptional
<{ achievedLevel
: ZodOptional
> ; alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; resultDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; status
: ZodOptional
, "Enrolled"
, "Failed"
, "InProgress"
, "OnHold"
, "Withdrew"
]>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; value
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { achievedLevel
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "Completed"
| "Enrolled"
| "Failed"
| "InProgress"
| "OnHold"
| "Withdrew"
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; value
: undefined
| string
}, { achievedLevel
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "Completed"
| "Enrolled"
| "Failed"
| "InProgress"
| "OnHold"
| "Withdrew"
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; value
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; role
: ZodOptional
> ; source
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]>> ; term
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { achievement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; tag?: string[] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; endorsement?: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { ...; } | undefined; ... 7 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] | undefined; ... 16 more ...; criteria: { ...; }; } ; activityEndDate
: undefined
| string
; activityStartDate
: undefined
| string
; creditsEarned
: undefined
| number
; id
: undefined
| string
; identifier
: undefined
| { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}[] ; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; licenseNumber
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; result
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; status?: "Completed" | "Enrolled" | "Failed" | "InProgress" | "OnHold" | "Withdrew" | undefined; value?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; ... 5 more ...; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; resultDescription?: string | undefined; achievedLevel?: string | undefine...[] ; role
: undefined
| string
; source
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; term
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { achievement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; tag?: string[] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; endorsement?: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { ...; } | undefined; ... 7 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] | undefined; ... 16 more ...; criteria: { ...; }; } ; activityEndDate
: undefined
| string
; activityStartDate
: undefined
| string
; creditsEarned
: undefined
| number
; id
: undefined
| string
; identifier
: undefined
| { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}[] ; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; licenseNumber
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; result
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; status?: "Completed" | "Enrolled" | "Failed" | "InProgress" | "OnHold" | "Withdrew" | undefined; value?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; ... 5 more ...; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; resultDescription?: string | undefined; achievedLevel?: string | undefine...[] ; role
: undefined
| string
; source
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; term
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, ZodArray
<{ achievement
: ZodOptional
<{ @language
: ZodOptional
> ; achievementType
: ZodOptional
, "ApprenticeshipCertificate"
, "Assessment"
, "Assignment"
, "AssociateDegree"
, "Award"
, "Badge"
, "BachelorDegree"
, "Certificate"
, "CertificateOfCompletion"
, "Certification"
, "CommunityService"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; creator
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]>> ; creditsAvailable
: ZodOptional
> ; criteria
: ZodObject
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
}> = CriteriaValidator; description
: ZodString
; endorsement
: ZodOptional
<{ type: ZodArray<ZodString, "atleastone">; id: ZodOptional<ZodString>; '@context': ZodArray<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodAny>]>, "many">; ... 7 more ...; proof: ZodOptional<...>; }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { endorsementComment
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] } = EndorsementSubjectValidator; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; fieldOfStudy
: ZodOptional
> ; humanCode
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodString
; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; related
: ZodOptional
<{ @language
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; version
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}, { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; resultDescription
: ZodOptional
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; allowedValue
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; id
: ZodString
; name
: ZodString
; requiredLevel
: ZodOptional
> ; requiredValue
: ZodOptional
> ; resultType
: ZodUnion
, "LetterGrade"
, "Percent"
, "PerformanceLevel"
, "PredictedScore"
, "RawScore"
, "Result"
, "RubricCriterion"
, "RubricCriterionLevel"
, "RubricScore"
, "ScaledScore"
, "Status"
]>, ZodString
]> = ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: ZodOptional
<{ alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; level
: ZodOptional
> ; name
: ZodString
; points
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; level
: undefined
| string
; name
: string
; points
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; valueMax
: ZodOptional
> ; valueMin
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
}, { alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; allowedValue
: undefined
| string
[] ; id
: string
; name
: string
; requiredLevel
: undefined
| string
; requiredValue
: undefined
| string
; resultType
: string
= ResultTypeValidator; rubricCriterionLevel
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; description?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 4 more ...; name: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; valueMax
: undefined
| string
; valueMin
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; specialization
: ZodOptional
> ; tag
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; version
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @language
: undefined
| string
; achievementType
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; creator
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; creditsAvailable
: undefined
| number
; criteria
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; } = CriteriaValidator; description
: string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] ; fieldOfStudy
: undefined
| string
; humanCode
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; related
: undefined
| { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 9 more ...; resultType: string; }[] ; specialization
: undefined
| string
; tag
: undefined
| string
[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; version
: undefined
| string
}, { @language
: undefined
| string
; achievementType
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; creator
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; creditsAvailable
: undefined
| number
; criteria
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; } = CriteriaValidator; description
: string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] ; fieldOfStudy
: undefined
| string
; humanCode
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; related
: undefined
| { @language
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; version
: undefined
| string
}[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; targetDescription?: string | undefined; targetFramework?: string | undefined; targetType?: string | undefined; type: [...]; targetName: string; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; ... 9 more ...; resultType: string; }[] ; specialization
: undefined
| string
; tag
: undefined
| string
[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; version
: undefined
| string
}>> ; activityEndDate
: ZodOptional
> ; activityStartDate
: ZodOptional
> ; creditsEarned
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; identifier
: ZodOptional
<{ hashed
: ZodBoolean
; identityHash
: ZodString
; identityType
: ZodString
; salt
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}, { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; licenseNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> ; result
: ZodOptional
<{ achievedLevel
: ZodOptional
> ; alignment
: ZodOptional
<{ targetCode
: ZodOptional
> ; targetDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; targetFramework
: ZodOptional
> ; targetName
: ZodString
; targetType
: ZodOptional
, "ceterms:Credential"
, "CFItem"
, "CFRubric"
, "CFRubricCriterion"
, "CFRubricCriterionLevel"
, "CTDL"
]>, ZodString
]>> ; targetUrl
: ZodString
; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; resultDescription
: ZodOptional
> ; status
: ZodOptional
, "Enrolled"
, "Failed"
, "InProgress"
, "OnHold"
, "Withdrew"
]>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; value
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { achievedLevel
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "Completed"
| "Enrolled"
| "Failed"
| "InProgress"
| "OnHold"
| "Withdrew"
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; value
: undefined
| string
}, { achievedLevel
: undefined
| string
; alignment
: undefined
| { targetCode
: undefined
| string
; targetDescription
: undefined
| string
; targetFramework
: undefined
| string
; targetName
: string
; targetType
: undefined
| string
; targetUrl
: string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; resultDescription
: undefined
| string
; status
: undefined
| "Completed"
| "Enrolled"
| "Failed"
| "InProgress"
| "OnHold"
| "Withdrew"
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; value
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>> ; role
: ZodOptional
> ; source
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]>> ; term
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { achievement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; tag?: string[] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; endorsement?: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { ...; } | undefined; ... 7 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] | undefined; ... 16 more ...; criteria: { ...; }; } ; activityEndDate
: undefined
| string
; activityStartDate
: undefined
| string
; creditsEarned
: undefined
| number
; id
: undefined
| string
; identifier
: undefined
| { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}[] ; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; licenseNumber
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; result
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; status?: "Completed" | "Enrolled" | "Failed" | "InProgress" | "OnHold" | "Withdrew" | undefined; value?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; ... 5 more ...; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; resultDescription?: string | undefined; achievedLevel?: string | undefine...[] ; role
: undefined
| string
; source
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; term
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { achievement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; tag?: string[] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; endorsement?: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { ...; } | undefined; ... 7 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; }; }[] | undefined; ... 16 more ...; criteria: { ...; }; } ; activityEndDate
: undefined
| string
; activityStartDate
: undefined
| string
; creditsEarned
: undefined
| number
; id
: undefined
| string
; identifier
: undefined
| { hashed
: boolean
; identityHash
: string
; identityType
: string
; salt
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
}[] ; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; licenseNumber
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; result
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; status?: "Completed" | "Enrolled" | "Failed" | "InProgress" | "OnHold" | "Withdrew" | undefined; value?: string | undefined; alignment?: { targetCode?: string | undefined; ... 5 more ...; targetUrl: string; }[] | undefined; resultDescription?: string | undefined; achievedLevel?: string | undefine...[] ; role
: undefined
| string
; source
: undefined
| string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } ; term
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>]> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
<{ @context
: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
> = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; credentialStatus
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; credentialSubject
: ZodUnion
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
}>, ZodArray
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>]> ; expirationDate
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; issuanceDate
: ZodString
; issuer
: ZodUnion
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]> = ProfileValidator; refreshService
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; evidence
: ZodOptional
<{ audience
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; genre
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; narrative
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { audience
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; genre
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; name
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { audience
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; genre
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; name
: undefined
| string
; narrative
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; expirationDate
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; issuanceDate
: ZodString
; issuer
: ZodUnion
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]> = ProfileValidator; name
: ZodOptional
> ; refreshService
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; identifier?: { salt?: string | undefined; type: string; hashed: boolean; identityHash: string; identityType: string; }[] | undefined; ... 10 more ...; type: [...]; } | { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; identifier?: { salt?: string | undefined; type: string; hashed: boolean; identityHash: string; identityType: string; }[] | undefined; ... 10 more ...; type: [...]; }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 5 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; } | { ...; }[]; }[] ; evidence
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; genre?: string | undefined; audience?: string | undefined; type: [...]; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; name
: undefined
| string
; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; identifier?: { salt?: string | undefined; type: string; hashed: boolean; identityHash: string; identityType: string; }[] | undefined; ... 10 more ...; type: [...]; } | { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; identifier?: { salt?: string | undefined; type: string; hashed: boolean; identityHash: string; identityType: string; }[] | undefined; ... 10 more ...; type: [...]; }[] ; description
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 5 more ...; credentialSubject: { ...; } | { ...; }[]; }[] ; evidence
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; narrative?: string | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; genre?: string | undefined; audience?: string | undefined; type: [...]; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; name
: undefined
| string
; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>
Defined in
• Const
UnsignedVCValidator: ZodObject
<{ @context
: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
> = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; credentialStatus
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; credentialSubject
: ZodUnion
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
}>, ZodArray
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>]> ; expirationDate
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; issuanceDate
: ZodString
; issuer
: ZodUnion
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]> = ProfileValidator; refreshService
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>
Defined in
• Const
UnsignedVPValidator: ZodObject
<{ @context
: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
> = ContextValidator; holder
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; verifiableCredential
: ZodOptional
<{ @context
: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
> = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; credentialStatus
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; credentialSubject
: ZodUnion
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
}>, ZodArray
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>]> ; expirationDate
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; issuanceDate
: ZodString
; issuer
: ZodUnion
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]> = ProfileValidator; proof
: ZodUnion
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, ZodArray
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, "many"
>]> ; refreshService
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, ZodArray
<{ @context
: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
> = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; credentialStatus
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; credentialSubject
: ZodUnion
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
}>, ZodArray
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>]> ; expirationDate
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; issuanceDate
: ZodString
; issuer
: ZodUnion
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]> = ProfileValidator; proof
: ZodUnion
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, ZodArray
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, "many"
>]> ; refreshService
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>]>> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; holder
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; verifiableCredential
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; proof: { ...; } | { ...; }[]; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; proof: { ...; } | { ...; }[]; }[] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; holder
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; verifiableCredential
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; proof: { ...; } | { ...; }[]; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; proof: { ...; } | { ...; }[]; }[] }>
Defined in
• Const
VCValidator: ZodObject
<{ @context
: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
> = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>, "many"
>> ; credentialStatus
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; credentialSubject
: ZodUnion
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
}>, ZodArray
<{ id
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: undefined
| string
}, { id
: undefined
| string
}>, "many"
>]> ; expirationDate
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; issuanceDate
: ZodString
; issuer
: ZodUnion
, ZodObject
<{ additionalName
: ZodOptional
> ; address
: ZodOptional
<{ addressCountry
: ZodOptional
> ; addressCountryCode
: ZodOptional
> ; addressLocality
: ZodOptional
> ; addressRegion
: ZodOptional
> ; geo
: ZodOptional
<{ latitude
: ZodNumber
; longitude
: ZodNumber
; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { latitude
: number
; longitude
: number
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: ZodOptional
> ; postalCode
: ZodOptional
> ; streetAddress
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>> ; dateOfBirth
: ZodOptional
> ; description
: ZodOptional
> ; email
: ZodOptional
> ; endorsement
: ZodOptional
, "many"
>> ; familyName
: ZodOptional
> ; familyNamePrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; givenName
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificPrefix
: ZodOptional
> ; honorificSuffix
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; image
: ZodOptional
, ZodObject
<{ caption
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}, { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
}>]>> ; name
: ZodOptional
> ; official
: ZodOptional
> ; otherIdentifier
: ZodOptional
<{ identifier
: ZodString
; identifierType
: ZodUnion
, "systemId"
, "productId"
, "userName"
, "accountId"
, "emailAddress"
, "nationalIdentityNumber"
, "isbn"
, "issn"
, "lisSourcedId"
, "oneRosterSourcedId"
, "sisSourcedId"
, "ltiContextId"
, "ltiDeploymentId"
]>, ZodString
]> = IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodArray
, "atleastone"
>]> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }, { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>> ; parentOrg
: ZodOptional
> ; patronymicName
: ZodOptional
> ; phone
: ZodOptional
> ; type
: ZodUnion
, ZodOptional
, "atleastone"
>>]> ; url
: ZodOptional
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}, { additionalName
: undefined
| string
; address
: undefined
| { addressCountry
: undefined
| string
; addressCountryCode
: undefined
| string
; addressLocality
: undefined
| string
; addressRegion
: undefined
| string
; geo
: undefined
| { type: string | [string, ...string[]]; latitude: number; longitude: number; } ; postOfficeBoxNumber
: undefined
| string
; postalCode
: undefined
| string
; streetAddress
: undefined
| string
; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] } ; dateOfBirth
: undefined
| string
; description
: undefined
| string
; email
: undefined
| string
; endorsement
: undefined
| any
[] ; familyName
: undefined
| string
; familyNamePrefix
: undefined
| string
; givenName
: undefined
| string
; honorificPrefix
: undefined
| string
; honorificSuffix
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; image
: undefined
| string
| { caption
: undefined
| string
; id
: string
; type
: string
} ; name
: undefined
| string
; official
: undefined
| string
; otherIdentifier
: undefined
| { identifier
: string
; identifierType
: string
= IdentifierTypeValidator; type
: string
| [string
, ...string[]] }[] ; parentOrg
: any
; patronymicName
: undefined
| string
; phone
: undefined
| string
; type
: undefined
| string
| [string
, ...string[]] ; url
: undefined
| string
}>]> = ProfileValidator; proof
: ZodUnion
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, ZodArray
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, "many"
>]> ; refreshService
: ZodOptional
<{ id
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { id
: string
; type
: string
}, { id
: string
; type
: string
}>> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>
Defined in
• Const
VPValidator: ZodObject
<{ @context
: ZodArray
, ZodRecord
, ZodAny
>]>, "many"
> = ContextValidator; holder
: ZodOptional
> ; id
: ZodOptional
> ; proof
: ZodUnion
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, ZodArray
<{ challenge
: ZodOptional
> ; created
: ZodString
; domain
: ZodOptional
> ; jws
: ZodOptional
> ; nonce
: ZodOptional
> ; proofPurpose
: ZodString
; type
: ZodString
; verificationMethod
: ZodString
}, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}, { challenge
: undefined
| string
; created
: string
; domain
: undefined
| string
; jws
: undefined
| string
; nonce
: undefined
| string
; proofPurpose
: string
; type
: string
; verificationMethod
: string
}>, "many"
>]> ; type
: ZodArray
, "atleastone"
> ; verifiableCredential
: ZodOptional
<{ type: ZodArray<ZodString, "atleastone">; id: ZodOptional<ZodString>; '@context': ZodArray<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodAny>]>, "many">; ... 7 more ...; proof: ZodUnion<...>; }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, ZodArray
<{ type: ZodArray<ZodString, "atleastone">; id: ZodOptional<ZodString>; '@context': ZodArray<ZodUnion<[ZodString, ZodRecord<ZodString, ZodAny>]>, "many">; ... 7 more ...; proof: ZodUnion<...>; }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; credentialSchema
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
}[] ; credentialStatus
: undefined
| { id
: string
; type
: string
} ; credentialSubject
: { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; }[] ; expirationDate
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; issuanceDate
: string
; issuer
: string
| { [x: string]: any; type?: string | [string, ...string[]] | undefined; id?: string | undefined; name?: string | undefined; url?: string | undefined; phone?: string | undefined; description?: string | undefined; ... 14 more ...; dateOfBirth?: string | undefined; } = ProfileValidator; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; refreshService
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; type: string; id: string; } ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] }>, "many"
>]>> }, "strip"
, ZodAny
, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; holder
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; verifiableCredential
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; proof: { ...; } | { ...; }[]; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; proof: { ...; } | { ...; }[]; }[] }, { @context
: (string
| Record
, any
>)[] = ContextValidator; holder
: undefined
| string
; id
: undefined
| string
; proof
: { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; } | { [x: string]: any; challenge?: string | undefined; domain?: string | undefined; nonce?: string | undefined; jws?: string | undefined; type: string; created: string; proofPurpose: string; verificationMethod: string; }[] ; type
: [string
, ...string[]] ; verifiableCredential
: undefined
| { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; proof: { ...; } | { ...; }[]; } | { [x: string]: any; id?: string | undefined; expirationDate?: string | undefined; credentialStatus?: { type: string; id: string; } | undefined; credentialSchema?: { type: string; id: string; }[] | undefined; ... 6 more ...; proof: { ...; } | { ...; }[]; }[] }>
Defined in
• Const
VerificationCheckValidator: ZodObject
<{ checks
: ZodArray
, "many"
> ; errors
: ZodArray
, "many"
> ; warnings
: ZodArray
, "many"
> }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { checks
: string
[] ; errors
: string
[] ; warnings
: string
[] }, { checks
: string
[] ; errors
: string
[] ; warnings
: string
[] }>
Defined in
• Const
VerificationItemValidator: ZodObject
<{ check
: ZodString
; details
: ZodOptional
> ; message
: ZodOptional
> ; status
: ZodEnum
, "Failed"
, "Error"
]> = VerificationStatusValidator }, "strip"
, ZodTypeAny
, { check
: string
; details
: undefined
| string
; message
: undefined
| string
; status
: "Failed"
| "Success"
| "Error"
= VerificationStatusValidator }, { check
: string
; details
: undefined
| string
; message
: undefined
| string
; status
: "Failed"
| "Success"
| "Error"
= VerificationStatusValidator }>
Defined in
• Const
VerificationStatusEnum: Values
, "Failed"
, "Error"
]> = VerificationStatusValidator.enum
Defined in
• Const
VerificationStatusValidator: ZodEnum
, "Failed"
, "Error"